
Showing posts from September, 2014

How to use Potassium Permanganate to treat your kois and goldfishes pond

Measure your pond Volume accurately so that you can have the accurate dosage for the treatment, over dosage might kill your fishes. 25% to 50% water change is a must before begining of the treatment Turnoff your filter and used only aeration (reason pp will kill your beneficial bacteria in your filter media in addition the efficiency of pp will not be optimal   Place a white saucer plate at the bottom of the pond to monitor the color of the water  Dosage is 6 grams per 800 gallons/ 1 level teaspoon is 6 grams dilute pp to 1.5 empty bottle and pour in the pond, monitor the water coloration if it turns brown in less than hour redose, if it turns brown again after an hour redose but add half teaspoon. after 10 hours change 50% water and redose  repeat treatment for 3 to 4 days.  Bisaya Translation: Sa unsa nga paagi sa paggamit sa potassium permanganate sa pagtratar sa imong kois ug mga goldfishes pond  Sukda ang imong pond Volume ng...

kumonryu koi


kumonryu koi


panda moor goldfish


small koi fish


baby ranchu goldfish


How to breed koi step by step

  How to breed koi step by step Choose high quality breeders (gwapo og gwapa) handsome and beautiful, law of nature if the parents are beautiful then absolutely the offspring would be the same.remember to choose breeders age 4 to 5 years old reason, because if breeders are too young their eggs layer membrane will be too thin and the offspring might not survive,  if too old the eggs membrane layer will be too thick that sperm will have hard time to penetrate  Keep them away from opposite sex for a month to allow optimal spawning. distance makes the heart grow fonder he he  Feed them with rich in protein foods about 30 to 40% protein and varied live foods, like mosquito larvae, daphnia, brine shrimp and blood worms. (but don't feed them at least 1 day prior to placing them to the breeding tank, reason for this is you will avoid them to shit a lot on your breeding tank that might spoil the water easily by their casting.  After a month prepare the bree...

Giobel Koi Center: aquaponics (my first test bed aquaponic)

Giobel Koi Center: aquaponics (my first test bed aquaponic) : This is my first aquaponics filter bed mad up of recycled materials. The bell siphon is madeup of empty plastic bottle. The water was lift... My do it yourself recycled bell siphon My first test bed aquaponic 

how to culture daphnia the easy way

How to culture daphnia the easy way Watch video below for the complete details on how to culture daphnia the strain of daphnia used in this video is daphnia magna. Buy starter culture or catch in the wild (You will catch them in stagnant water in rice paddies, canal or carabao pit holes that have water in it, you can catch them during early morning since they will surface during early in the morning.  Prepare containers, you can culture them on old refrigerator, ice box, plastic box etc, place green water or old aquarium water in the culture tank make sure that the water in the aquarium don't have any chemicals added daphnia are sensitive in Chemicals and will kill them. Feed them with yeast, spirulina, paprica, powder soya and egg yolk don't over feed them so that you won't spoil the water, you can add little aeration to maintain the quality of the water, don't place air stone so that their will be little bubble in it.  water change every two weeks. pre...

aquaponics (my first test bed aquaponic)

This is my first aquaponics filter bed mad up of recycled materials. The bell siphon is madeup of empty plastic bottle. The water was lifted by airlift pump. I had done the test already and it was successful, my nest step is to look for growing bed media and setup a bigger growing bed. bell siphon aquaponics My bell siphon aquaponics was made up of empty plastic bottle I will post on the photos soon. This is our do it yourself recycled material bell siphon  Bell siphon  Bell siphon  Bell siphon Video

how to breed goldfish step by step red/white demekin breed naturally


breeding goldfish step by step

breeding goldfish Choose matured breeders about 1 to 3 years old. Ratio would be 2 male and 1 female to ensure high fertilization rate. Separate them for a week and feed them plenty of live foods, daphnia, brineshrimp, mosquito larvae etc. absence makes love grow fonder  20% water change daily  After a week place them together at night time, add spawning media, you can use DYI spawning mop or live plants, I used hornworts  Hornwort  Check them early at at 5 am in the morning if they chase each other, Males will bump the female to the spawning media during this process eggs will be release and fertilize, you can also hand breed them if you want to have lots of offspring's than normal breeding. check the video below for the hand spawning tutorial.  #Giobel koi center  Other videos of our gold fish breeding  read more at breeding goldfish 

juvenile bettas dumbo ears


Giobel Koi Center: koi fish

Giobel Koi Center: koi fish : koi fish videos

Giobel Koi Center: How to breed betta fish the easy way

Giobel Koi Center: How to breed betta fish the easy way : How to breed betta fish the easy way I place male and female betta in the breeding tank. Feed it with plenty of live foods, daphnia, mo...

How to breed betta fish the easy way

How to breed betta fish the easy way I place male and female betta in the breeding tank. Feed it with plenty of live foods, daphnia, mosquito larvae and brineshrimp whatever is available so that they won't fight. After a day or two they will automatically mate because you will noticed bubble nest right away and you will see them mate. After I noticed the eggs in the bubble nest and they stop mating. I take off the female and leave the male to care for the eggs. The male will care for the eggs. take it back to the bubble nest when it fall down. I had an amazing discovery yesterday, when my male breeder who is currently tending his young jump out of the tank and luckily landed in the empty container. I took the container and see that only the male was inside so I feed the male but to my astonishment when the male is going to feed a lot of small fry swims in the water, so therefore I conclude that the male betta keeps its fry in the moth too.  This is my breeder male betta...

goldfish pond


How to breed koi fish


Giobel Koi Center: Air lift koi pond system

Giobel Koi Center: Air lift koi pond system : In this video we measure the output of our airlift pump using 20 watt air pump. This is our bakki shower filter that we u...

Giobel Koi Center Cebu branch : koi for sale cebu

Giobel Koi Center Cebu branch : koi for sale cebu : This is our  koi for sale cebu  breeders and forsale videos


Our  goldfish collections and videos