How to breed koi step by step

How to breed koi fish step by step

Breeding coy fish in the Philippines setup 
This is how to identify potential males that is fertile

Breeding process
  • Choose matured breeders at least 3 years old, matured breeders have thick egg membranes and have higher survival rate and hatching rate, in addition, they have more eggs to lay. I think to correct me if I am wrong the ratio that a koi lay eggs is 100 thousand per kilo.
  • Separate male and female breeder at least one month "Theirs a saying that absence makes love grow founder" In this method the males will have ample sperm and the female will have ample of eggs too. and when you will place them together again am sure they will really mate because they really miss each other already.
  • Feed them high protein foods, specifically daphnia, earth worm, tubifex, snails, mosquito larvae, but you have to be caution in feeding live foods, wash the live foods properly, disinfect them, you can add peroxide to the water that your going to wash them to kill the bacteria their harboring. 
  • After a month add the breeders in the breeding tank with fresh water and nesting medium in it. you can add them during the full moon they will be stimulated to breed during a full moon.  
  • Check from time to time if the males chase the female usually they mate around midnight or early dawn. If you noticed the chased begins more aggressive and the males bump the female to the filter media and pond walls then it;s indication that they lay eggs already. 
  • Wait for about 30 minutes when they stop chasing the female immediately removed them both the males and females. 
  • Water change for about 80 to 70 change. The sperm will make the water murky and foul. It will suffocate the koi fry, in addition, it will make the bacteria bloom.
  • Add  Methylene blue to prevent fungus developing in the eggs. "Methylene blue is used in aquaculture and by tropical fish hobbyists as a treatment for fungal infections. It can also be effective in treating fish infected with ich although a combination of malachite green and formaldehyde is far more effective against the parasitic protozoa Ichthyophthirius multiplies. It is usually used to protect newly laid fish eggs from being infected by fungus or bacteria. This is useful when the hobbyist wants to artificially hatch the fish eggs. Methylene Blue is also very effective when used as part of a "medicated fish bath" for a treatment of ammonia, nitrite, and cyanide poisoning as well as for topical and internal treatment of injured or sick fish as a "first response".
  •  After 2 to 3 days, the eggs will hatch. wait for another day if they are free swimming stage already you can start feeding them egg yolk
  • I started feeding them with live foods like daphnia and brine shrimp. 
  • I started culling them when they are about 3 weeks in this stage I segregated the tobis.


  • Do I need to put up the filter in my breeding tank? Ans: No, that is why you this is the reason that you should not feed your breeders prior in placing them to the breeding tanks.
  • Do I feed the breeders? Ans: No  The reason why breeder koi fish  are not feed one is that if you feed them they will have lots and lots of shit in the tank and that will make the tank filthy immediate and this will encourage pathogenic bacteria. 

Tobi Fry


What is tobi defined-Tobi: (Toe-Bee) jump; in koi fry it refers to koi that jump in size by eating their siblings. It is very important to remove these tobi koi when sorting fry from a spawn and placing the tobi in a separate aquarium; keep the tobi do not destroy the tobi.

Anyone who breeds koi fish knows about tobi. In other species, these are often called, "shooters". Koi fry can and do also occur in goldfish spawns; these are the fry that grow to a juvenile size at break neck speed and they are noted for eating their smaller siblings. Most koi breeders assume tobi koi do not have the refined characteristics the breeder is looking for, however, this is wives tail most  koi fry do in fact are generically the same as their smaller koi fry siblings. more readings at

I started culling tobi usually during 2 to 3 weeks old fry

I used brine shrimp also as supplement to feeding daphnia since daphnia sometimes is not available
Fish farm owners search for a cost-effective, easy to use, and available food that is preferred by the fish. From cysts, brine shrimp nauplii can readily be used to feed fish and crustacean larvae just after one-day incubation. Instar I (the nauplii that just hatched and with large yolk reserves in their body) and instar II nauplii (the nauplii after the first moult and with functional digestive tracts) are more widely used in aquaculture, because they are easy for operation, rich in nutrients, and small, which makes them suitable for feeding fish and crustacean larvae live or after drying. article from Wikipedia

Foods rich in protein

Duckweed - before I thought this was pest because it spreads like wild fire in my ponds and aquariums. but had you noticed if you have this in your pond and aquarium? the water is clear and not foul easily the reason is Duckweed can removed harmful toxins in the water further readings at and

Daphnia Magna


mudpond harvest

mudpond harvest

mudpond harvest

mudpond harvest

mudpond harvest

mudpond harvest

mudpond harvest

mudpond harvest

Learn more How to breed koi fish


  1. Hello Giobel, what variety of kois in your video? what are the results of their offspring?

    1. Hello, the female is komunryu and the males are sanke and kojaku, their offsprings are kumonryu, chagoi and ochiba so amazing

  2. bro unsaon pag breed ang angelfish? kai pag mo lay na ako pair kan.on ngano ni? salamt bro.

    1. Bro, ikaw ra ga pair nila? usa sa reason man gud na kan-on ra nila ang ilang eggs kay dili nila gusto ang usag usa kay ang angelfish mo pili man og ilang i mate mao mag breed ka angel fish imo pilion kato nag pair silang duha. isa pud reason hugaw ang imong breeding media kay if ma contaminate gani ilang eggs og hugaw ila man kaunon pud.

    2. bossing unsaon pag kabalo nga nag pair silang duha??

    3. Bro, Imo sa ilhon ang female og male, i separate nimo for a week or a month depende if dako na tiyan sa female usa ra sila i ipon, i check sab ang imong males if naa ba sperm apply gentle massage sa iyang vent, kana ba sa iyang lubot dapit, make sure na naa sperm imong duha ka males na imo gamiton og breed.

  3. Bro pano malmn ang male and female s koi tnx

    1. Madali lang bro ang male ay slender ang katawan at saka ang palikpik nya pectoral fin ay mas mahaba at pointed saka makapal at may stars din tulad nang goldfish male, saka para sure ka na male sya, apply gentle pressure massage sa vent nya ang vent ay yung parang anus bro kung sa tao pa if may lalabas na sperm sure na yan lalaki talaga, ang female bro ay malaki at medjo bilog katawan saka manipis ang pectoral fins nya at rounded ang shape.

  4. Very informative.. madami aq natutunan!

    1. Hello, It's our pleasure to share our our knowledge to fellow keepers. keep posted :-)

  5. Really neat ponds and breeding information!

    1. Thank you Tina, you can subsribe to you yt channel for koi fish breeding videos

  6. Sir bag o pako aning koi world then unsaon nako lag start or in other term unsay akong starter kit/pack naa nako is airpump and wala pakoy pond i need your suggestions about pond dili kaayo mi dakog lugar and i need some advise nimo about making pond and pag buhi nga sure dili mamatay by the way naa nakoy koi ron maybe 12-13pc guro to and 15-17pc rancho bana? Basta goldfish 3 ka tiger oscar wala man hinuon sila mag away2 kay ge sagol nako and akong gi sudlan sa nila ron is Styrofoam kanang para sa isda gani ang size sakong mga fish is 2-4inch please advisi ko para maka balo ko unsaon pag pa dako salamat kaayo sir

    1. need raba jud og dako na space ang koi bro at least 450 gallons per koi fish tas need og proper filtration system og aeration system ayaw i over crowd og isagol sagol laen na isda


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