Garlic Remedy to suppresses growth of tumours Internal Parasites in Goldfish

An excerpt from

Benefits Purifies blood; detoxifies; lowers cholesterol levels; lowers blood pressure; blood thinner; prevents blood clots; boost immune system; prevents heart disease and strokes; destroys cancer cells; muscle relaxant; antibiotic; antifungal; destroys parasites and bad bacteria; suppresses growth of tumours Internal Parasites in Goldfish
Garlic Treatment Use for harmful bacteria infection; abscesses or tumours; external parasites or worms; external or internal injuries

Premix 1 tablespoon of (24 hour) garlic water per 10 gallons of main tank size; premix in fresh water before adding to tank or pond. If garlic water is aged: premix 1 teaspoon of garlic water per 10 gallons of tank or pond water.

Perform 20% fresh water change; premix garlic in fresh water before gradually adding to tank or pond.

Repeat treatment for three days; then perform 20% reverse water changes; no garlic

Garlic treatment may be combined with Salt Treatment  or rotated for serious infections

Garlic water may be given orally to battle internal infection; use syringe or eye dropper. 1 drop per 1" of goldfish body; give daily for 10 days.

Garlic Bath Use for harmful bacteria infection; abscesses or tumours; external parasites or worms; external or internal injuries

Using a container appropriately sized and free of contaminants; premix 1 tablespoon of (aged) garlic water per 1 gallon of main tank size

Place fish in bath for 1 to 5 minutes; give the bath once or twice daily as needed. Use fresh bath each time.

If fish shows signs of distress; return to tank or pond

Most goldfish love the taste of garlic

further reading >>>


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