Doitsu Koi

Doitsu Koi 

An excerpt from a post that originally appeared on

Most of the genetic make up of Koi varieties today, do have Doitsugoi blood. Doitsu Hariwake,
Doitsu Kohaku, Doitsu Sanke, Doitsu Showa and Doitsu Yamato Nishiki just to name a few. Doitsu Koi went through centuries of selective breeding and most of the time rated highest rating fish can receive.

In the late 1800’s German Koi were imported in Japan to improve the supply of edible fish, since it did not have scales with a bulkier body shape which means more meat to eat. Also, another purpose of importation is to cross-breed the German carp with the indigenous carp.

Two German scientists, selected 40 fry of the best quality available in their country, then transported all of it to Japan. Only 7 carp survived the trip as it is during the Japanese-Russo War. 6 leather carp and 1 mirror carp turned out to be the genetic backbone of Doitsu as we know today.

To compare with Japanese carp, the body shape of Doitsu carp was more rounded and shorter. They also have a better growth rate than local carp. However, they mature early and do not reach the same old age as Japanese carp. They even show less resistance towards diseases. Fortunately, as observed by scientists; the offspring of Doitsu carp shows very hybrid vigor as a result when it is used in breeding with other carp. Doitsu Koi is sometimes called as “Mirror-Scale Koi” because along its back, you will find a mirror-scale dorsal line. If not available at Koi’s back, you can find the mirror-scale lateral line on its side.

There are several scalations to be found on Doitsu carp. Doitsu Koi with scales only found on the back are called Kawigoi or mirror carp. Those Koi without scales at all are known as Kawas Goi or leather carp. Additionally, a Koi with scales on the back as well as the lateral line are called as Kagami goi or striped carp.


Most of the genetic make up of Koi varieties today, do have Doitsugoi blood. Doitsu Hariwake, Doitsu Kohaku, Doitsu Sanke, Doitsu Showa and Doitsu Yamato Nishiki just to name a few. Truly, Doitsu Koi went through centuries of selective breeding and most of the time rated highest rating fish can receive.


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